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Alumni Association Awards

Each year the Alumni Association recognizes the achievements and contributions of successful Ontario Tech alumni with three special awards: The Achievement Award, the Up and Coming Award and the Philanthropic Award. 


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Key dates 

March 15, 2024 - Nominations open for submissions.

May 1, 2024 - Nomination period closes at 11:59 p.m. EDT

May 2024 - The Awards Sub-Committee will review and evaluate eligible candidates based on the relevant criteria for each award.

May 2024 - The Alumni Association Council approves the Alumni Award recipients.

June 22, 2024 - Awards are presented to the winners at Alumni Day 2024. 

Please note that Awards may not be granted in every category each year if there are no eligible candidates nominated.


Award Details and Criteria

  • Achievement Award

    The goal of the Achievement Award is to inspire alumni to reflect the Alumni Association Council's values (pursuit of innovation, dedication to quality and intellectual rigour, integrity and respect, and alumni pride and values) that were integral during their studies at the university. We want to recognize individuals who continue to demonstrate these values while making a difference and achieving success in fields of study, careers, or completing other successful goals.

    Who is eligible to be nominated?

    All alumni who are considered to be ambassadors of these values in completing any goal, whether related to career, or education.

    Evaluation criteria

    • Pursuit of innovation – 35 per cent
    • Dedication to quality and intellectual rigour – 30 per cent
    • Integrity and respect – 25 per cent
    • Alumni pride and values – 10 per cent

    Pursuit of innovation – This includes, but is not limited to, cultivating creativity, adaptability and flexibility in others. The ideal candidate demonstrates a desire to challenge the status quo, assists and mentors others to think differently and searches for solutions within his or her workplace and/or field.

    Dedication to Quality and Intellectual Rigour – This includes, but is not limited to, striving for excellence with energy, commitment and passion. The ideal candidate makes a positive difference within their field or organization while succeeding in completing their goals.

    Integrity and Respect – This includes, but is not limited to, embracing honesty, inclusivity and equity in all the candidate does.

    Alumni Pride and Values – This includes, but is not limited to, actions that reflect the candidate’s pride in commitment to modeling the values of the university. Maintaining high levels of accountability in all actions.

  • Up and Coming Award

    The goal of the Up and Coming Award is to inspire new alumni to succeed by recognizing up-and-comers for their dedication, hard work and achievements early in their careers.

    Who is eligible to be nominated?

    Alumni within five years of graduation who contribute and make a difference in their field of expertise relating to their studies at the university. The ideal candidate is enthusiastic about their career, projects a sense of pride in their field of expertise and displays great potential for future career growth. This individual also demonstrates sound judgment and character, exhibits professionalism and displays leadership qualities.

    Evaluation criteria

    • Accomplishment – 50 per cent
    • Innovation – 25 per cent
    • Leadership – 25 per cent

    Accomplishment – This includes, but is not limited to, the ability to see projects through to successful completion, meeting their goals, and other measures of success such as grants, awards, chair positions, etc.

    Innovation – This includes, but is not limited to, improving existing processes, challenging conventional wisdom, ground-breaking research or product innovation and setting new standards within the candidate's field of expertise.

    Leadership – This includes, but is not limited to, participating in activities in which the candidate displays leadership qualities, encouraging others to advance their careers, exhibiting professionalism within their field of expertise, assuming active roles on boards, working groups or committees that advance work-related endeavours and community development.

  • Philanthropic Award

    The goal of the Philanthropic Award is to recognize the efforts of alumni who are making a significant impact to improve society through their outstanding service, dedication and commitment, not limited to in-kind contributions or charitable activities.

    Who is eligible to be nominated?

    The ideal candidate is passionate about an important social cause(s), freely gives their time, exemplifies great leadership qualities and has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to improving the social challenge related to their cause. This can include attempting to break down biases, change perceptions and alleviate issues impeding progress, working toward conquering a problem and/or responding to a need in a tangible way.

    Evaluation criteria

    • Service - 50 per cent
    • Innovation - 25 per cent
    • Inspiration - 25 per cent

    Service - This includes, but is not limited to, demonstrating exceptional commitment through community volunteerism and service.

    Innovation - This includes, but is not limited to, demonstrating creativity, improving existing processes, breaking down barriers and biases and alleviating issues through volunteer experiences.

    Inspiration - This includes, but is not limited to, serving as a leader and role model for others in the community and an inspiration for others to engage in volunteer service.