Canadian Nuclear Society presents two national awards to Ontario Tech

Two of the Canadian Nuclear Society’s (CNS) top awards for 2015 will honour a Ontario Tech University (Ontario Tech) researcher and a graduate student.
- Dr. Anthony Waker, Professor, Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science (FESNS) is the recipient of the CNS Education and Communication Award for significant efforts in improving the understanding of nuclear science and technology among educators, students and the public. Professor Waker is also the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada / University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering (NSERC/UNENE) Industrial Research Chair in Health Physics and Environmental Safety.
Previous Ontario Tech recipients of this award include Dr. Ed Waller (2013) and Dr. Igor Pioro (2011).
- Nuclear Engineering PhD candidate Eugene Saltanov will receive the CNS R.E. Jervis Award for excellence in research and development carried out by a full-time graduate student in nuclear engineering. The award consists of a $1,000 bursary. Mr. Saltanov is supervised by FESNS faculty members Dr. Igor Pioro and Dr. Glenn Harvel.
“These prestigious awards from the Canadian Nuclear Society culminate an outstanding year for the Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science,” said Dr. Brent Lewis, FESNS Dean. “This high-level recognition by the nuclear industry and the CNS underscores the quality of the Ontario Tech University’s research experts as well as the excellence of our students and graduate programs.”