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We work for you!

The Alumni Association Council is made up of committees organized to fulfill strategic goals.  These committees each have council members sitting on them to ensure those goals are met.  Each committee plays an important role in the function of the association.

Engagement Committee

At the highest level, the purpose of the engagement committee is to engage with alumni and upcoming alumni in order to maintain a connection with UOIT.  This is done by activities such as organizing networks, events, issuing alumni awards, and publishing the alumni magazine.  The engagement committee is the face of the Alumni Association as they are the ones continually promoting alumni events and the associations’ profile.

Your Engagement Committee Members include:
Matthew Fawcett (Committee Chair, Chair of council)
Kaitlynn Gambier
Andrew Seto
Kristen Daize

Finance Committee

The finance committee manages the University Alumni Association’s (UAA) finances.  Some responsibilities include, developing an annual budget for the council, monitoring its expenditures on a regular basis, and recommending new sources of funding. Also, it includes, monitoring merchandise inventory, and working with the other committees to accomplish mutually beneficial goals. The finance committee allows the association financially to hold its events and bring in alumni merchandise to represent continuing pride of being a UOIT alumnus.

The finance committee is proud to have established a balanced budget for the UAA. Much of our budget is balanced through revenues achieved from affinity relationships, so we eagerly pursue new affinity opportunity. However, if those relationships do not benefit our Alumnus, then they will never be worth it! Our alumni come first!

Your finance committee members are:

Sean McNama (Committee Chair)
Kaitlynn Gambier
Sean Nakagawa
Mohammad Soleman

Governance Committee

The governance Committee oversees the internal operations and policies of the council.  It ensures that the council and the other committees are abiding by its Terms of Reference and meeting the council’s strategic goals.  This committee looks at reviewing and amending the council’s policies, coordinating its strategic plan, and organizing the council’s election process.  The governance committee also ensures that UOIT alumni and their association are represented fairly by those on council and   other responsibilities include, creating annual council evaluations, helping new members understand the UAA plan with an orientation planning day, updating and advising on policies as required, and working in conjunction with the other committees to accomplish mutually beneficial goals.

The governance committee is proud to have established a robust electoral frame work, to continue improve the UAA’s terms of reference (recently amending terms to eliminate any perception on bias, and establish a robust conflict of interest policy). The governance committee serves the alumni by providing a framework for the UAA’s operation, which ultimately governs the UAA’s actions and keeps it focused on service the UOIT alumni body. 

Your governance committee members are:

Sean McNama (Committee Chair)
Matthew Fawcett
Sean Nakagawa
Andrew Seto
Mohammad Soleman

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