Internship opens the door to employment

Brian Perry | Class of 2014
Bachelor of Information Technology, Minor in Networking & IT Security
Brian is a Sr. Analyst – IT with ATNI Shared I.T Services. “ATNI recently acquired the company I was employed at - the KeyTech Group of Companies,” said Brian. “KeyTech is a telecommunications holdings company based in Bermuda. ATNI is an international telecommunications holdings company based in Little Rock, Arkansas. ATNI recently acquired 51 per cent of KeyTech shares, adding its subsidiaries to its current portfolio.”
As part of ATNI IT Shared Services, Brian is responsible for a wide range of IT functions within the group of companies, including server creation and maintenance, network monitoring, backup and disaster recovery planning and implementation, VMWare systems management and a wide range of other tasks.
Brian feels his university program assisted him in landing and succeeding at his current position. “Not only was I hired by the company that I had my internship with (largely due to the relationships I was able to develop during my time there), but my networking courses and weekly labs have really been useful to the work I do today.”
Brian was a member of the Networking Society (NETSOC) for three years. “I participated in several networking events, including the Capture the Flag events both on campus and at SecTor.”
When asked about his professors, Brian says “My professors were willing to give guidance and support, especially after getting to know me. I learned not to be afraid to ask questions or ask for help since it showed them that I was willing to do more than just sit through lectures to improve my understanding of their courses. Even if they could not assist, they appreciated when I showed initiative by asking for recommendations for resources to help me to improve.
“University provides great potential for self-improvement and education; however, what you put into it is what you get back. It's not always easy, but if you persevere, the experience is that much more rewarding."