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Following her own path to success: Real Tech CEO Jodi Glover

Jodi GloverLike many entrepreneurs, Jodi Glover is a bit of a trailblazer.

She always considered herself a bit of a geek, finding an interest in math and science at a young age.  When it came time to start out on her career path, Jodi was discouraged from pursuing STEM programs and directed toward teaching and early childhood education. She knew those careers weren’t really suited for her and decided to move forward in another direction, choosing to enroll in a commerce program specializing in accounting.

“Business gives you fantastic insights. There’s no limit to what you can do – you can pursue what you want, as big or as small as you want – but you don’t know what you want to do until you get experience,” she said.

The summer after completing her third year, she did exactly that and started a solar heating company. She may not have made any money but she worked hard and found her passion, returning to school to focus more on sales, marketing and entrepreneurship.

After completing her degree, Jodi became a small business account manager for a major bank where she learned what needed to be done to run a successful business while helping her clients. She also learned she was sitting on the wrong side of the table. After a year, she left the bank and went to work for her father in the water industry, helping him with sales and marketing. It was there she saw a hole in the market and a business opportunity.

With her husband Andrew, they founded Real Tech Inc., a Whitby-based company that designs and manufactures a cutting-edge product line of portable and real time water quality and liquid analyzers. Twelve years later, the award-winning business employs 30 people and has clients in almost 50 countries.

The business takes up a lot of her time and energy, but Jodi’s family always comes first. In addition to running a successful business, she and her husband are raising three young boys. “It can be challenging but it also provides me with greater flexibility, something I wouldn’t have if I wasn’t my own boss,” she said. “It allows me to be there for my children when they need me which has been incredibly important with my oldest son having health issues, but they also know that when mommy goes to work she’s making safe water, and they think that’s pretty cool.”

If given the chance, Jodi wouldn’t go back and change her career path. “It’s the experiences I had that brought me here,” she said. “I love what I get to do. I love the industry and I truly believe we are making a difference.”

Five tips to finding entrepreneurial success from Jodi Glover

  1. Find a niche you can own.
  2. Have a long-term view and make short-term sacrifices.
  3. Hire people who love what they do.
  4. Apply humour where you can.
  5. Keep learning.
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