Ontario Tech continues to be close to alumna's heart

Alyssa Higginson | Class of 2010 and 2012
Master of Health Sciences (Community Health)
Bachelor of Health Science, Faculty of Health Sciences
Alyssa is focused on increasing cancer screening across the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant (HNHB) Region, especially among those facing barriers.
Since 2015 she’s been working as the Health Promotion Specialist/ Regional Mobile Cancer Screening and Workplace Coordinator for Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre in Hamilton. Juravinski is the host hospital for the HNHB Regional Cancer Program.
Alyssa builds relationships with community partners to enhance access to preventive health care services. And she coordinates mobile services to individuals who may experience barriers – health promotion, smoking cessation support and screening for breast, colon, and cervical cancers. “Equity in health care means that everyone can access the services they need to live a healthy life. I love being part of this amazing team, to ensure inclusion and equity in cancer screening and beyond.”
Alyssa credits Ontario Tech University with helping she and her husband find jobs in fields they love. The couple met during orientation in Alyssa’s first year of university. “Right off the bat, Ontario Tech provided program-specific content. These programs helped both Nick and I get to where we are now.”
She also gained experience, and friendships, by participating in groups on campus. During her undergrad years, Alyssa volunteered on the Academic Council, Rotaract, Best Buddies, and participated in the Health Science Student Network. During her master’s program she also served as the Faculty of Health Sciences representative on the Graduate Student Council, received a Master’s Award from the Canadian Institute for Health Information and was the volunteer coordinator for the Graduate Student Conference.
Ontario Tech continues to be close to Alyssa’s heart; it was here that she formed close relationships with many fellow students and professors and, most significantly, met her future husband. A happy outcome for both alumni!