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Career Insights: A Plan for Moving Ahead at Work

Signs that say "Your career"

It’s a common misconception that in order to advance in your career, you need to change jobs. This is not necessarily the case as chances are your current position offers areas of growth that you have not yet tapped into. The following tips will help you to advance in the workplace so that you can continue to grow professionally:

  1. Network

Working independently is great but you cannot succeed in the workplace alone. Connect with your team members and seek out mentors. These relationships can last a lifetime; your network can provide you with ways to solve problems and connect you to additional resources in your industry that can advance your career. Use LinkedIn to keep track of your contacts and ensure that the relationship is reciprocal as people are more likely to help those who have helped them.

2.   Take Initiative

Go and above and beyond what is expected of you; ask and/or volunteer for more responsibilities. By doing so, you are creating a powerful image of yourself to management and colleagues and this can open up opportunities for you. It demonstrates you have a strong work ethic. By taking on new tasks, you will expand your skills and strength your leadership ability.

3.   Acquire Knowledge

Many employers offer opportunities for staff to increase their learning, either through offering workshops, conferences or even taking educational courses. Participating in these opportunities increases your skills and makes you more valuable to employers.  

4.   Be Professional

Although you may have settled into your role, still maintain professionalism in the way you communicate with others and in your appearance. Professionalism is part of your brand and how others will remember you - you never know who is watching.

Incorporating these tips into your everyday work life will help you succeed in your career!

As an alum, you are entitled to receive services from the Career Centre at no charge to you. To receive assistance with exploring career paths, job search assistance and maintenance, contact the Career Centre:

North Campus: 2000 Simcoe St. N, Student Life Office, U5 Building, Oshawa, ON, 905-721-8668 ext. 3824

Downtown Campus: 61 Charles St., Student Life Office, DTA 225, Oshawa, ON, 905-721-8668 ext. 5624

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