A passion for learning

Christine Clayton
Class of 2006
Bachelor of Education
Christine has set her sights high: one day she'd like to work for the Faculty of Education at UOIT.
The university left a lasting impression on her while she studied in the Education program. "My experience at UOIT was completely life-changing," she says. Initially drawn to the university's laptop-based learning environment and instructional technologies, she was delighted by the small class sizes and the relationships she developed with professors and colleagues. She also developed another significant relationship here – she met her life partner.
Christine and her partner now have two small children and Christine is teaching Grade 7 Science in Ajax, Ontario with the Durham District School Board. She loves sharing her enthusiasm for math and science with her students. To keep them engaged each day, she continually practises reflection, flexibility and self-improvement.
Given that the use of technology for instruction and learning is one of the compelling trends in her field of work, Christine is thankful for the preparation UOIT provided. She's eager to continue her own learning and is currently working on her Master of Education. When she completes the program within the next two years, it's a good possibility that a position with UOIT, her inspiring alma mater, will be in her next-stage plans.