Degree leads alumnus to labour market research

Matthew Hack | Class of 2011 | Class of 2013
Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Criminology Justice and Policy Studies
Master of Arts, Criminology
His involvement in research while attending the university led Matthew to an interesting and fulfilling career as a professor and labour market researcher at Durham College.
"[The university] gave me a rich background in research. For both my honours thesis and my master's thesis, I conducted original research, which sharpened my critical thinking skills. Today, I enjoy delving into new areas by collaborating with thought leaders from a variety of disciplines."
Working in the college's schools of Interdisciplinary Studies and Justice and Emergency Services, Matthew delivers courses related to law, justice and government. He recently developed a new course based on his own research, which he also shared through the Durham College Lecture Series in partnership with the Whitby Public Library. "Developing and instructing my own course enables me to return to my students some of what my educational experience provided: the ability to be curious, think deeply and challenge ideas."
As a labour market researcher, Matthew supports the Office of Research Services, Innovation and Entrepreneurship with data that inform local economic planning. He is also an advisor to the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Matthew is currently preparing to publish the results of a project funded by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development detailing employer skill needs. This will support decision-making by government, industry and post-secondary institutions related to growing the local economy.
Matthew also enjoys attending and speaking at local events sponsored by boards of trade and chambers of commerce in Durham Region to discuss how the results of this research can help to build a bright future for residents.