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An Open Letter to UOIT Alumni

Since we opened our doors in 2003, more than 16,000 individuals have crossed the stage to pursue their dreams and advance their careers. It is very easy to lose track of friends, classmates and faculty. The UOIT Alumni Association Council wants to help keep you connected and invites every graduate to reach out and connect with us. We care about what you think and what kind of programs and events would be of interest to you. Our mandate is to serve alumni and in order to do that, we need your help.

Provide suggestions: What articles would you like to see in our Connected magazine? When is the best time to host events? What would you like to see us strive for in the future? Any and all suggestions help us serve the community’s needs.

Submit an alumni profile: We want to hear what you have been doing since graduation. Whether it is uncovering groundbreaking research, starting up businesses, or solving problems both small and large, we are interested in what results your dream-chasing has brought you.

Contribute to our Connected Magazine: Have a flair for writing? Our Connected magazine offers the platform to have your voice heard. Let everyone know what you are passionate about; share your experiences and engage in the community.

At the end of the day, we encourage all alumni to share what makes them proud of their university and to contribute where they can towards our global alumni community. Take initiative, take a large stride, and help us improve our community. Contact us at and let’s build this community together.

Will Lee
Commerce, Class of 2017
Alumni Association Council Member

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