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An inside look at the Alumni Association Council

With the 2017-2018 Alumni Association Council Elections ramping up, we thought we would sit down with two of our outgoing members, Sean McNama and Kristen Daize, to learn more about the council experience.

Why did you join the AAC?

Sean: Giving back to organizations that have benefited me has been important throughout my life. UOIT gave me friends, mentors, an education, and ultimately my career. The council is a great way for anyone to give back!

Kristen: A former council member encouraged me to apply for my first term. Thanks to that, I've learned the value of volunteering, and met and befriended many alumni. I love giving back to UOIT, so I returned for a second term after my first ended.

What accomplishments are you proud of during your time on council?

Sean: I am most proud of our pioneering spirit. We're always willing to try new things out like this year's action-packed events!

Kristen: I'm definitely proud of our continuous growth as a council. We took something small and have kept expanding it every year.

The council has accomplished many things throughout Sean and Kristen's terms:

  • Launched the Johnson insurance aaffinity program health and travel plan.
  • Launched Connected, the online alumni magazine with faculty specific content. 
  • Installed the alumni digital wall in the Regent Theatre.
  • Increased alumni engagement across all programs.
  • Launched Facebook Live meetings and increased accountability.
  • Increased merchandise sales and revenue to support council programs.

Do you have any memorable experiences?

Sean: I always ran into old classmates or friends of colleagues at our socials. I like seeing the subtle ways UOIT connects our alumni in the workforce, the community, and socially!

Kristen: Definitely seeing classmates I haven't seen in a long time at events. It's intriguing to see what people have done with their degrees and where they are in their lives.

Any advice you would like to give to new and aspiring council members?

Sean: It is a great way to get leadership experience. Come with an openness to learn, a desire to contribute, and don't be afraid to share your ideas!

Kristen: Don't be afraid to leave your comfort zone. What we do today will help shape the Alumni Association and our alumni pride for years to come!

Are you interested in a serving on the council? Visit the election page for more information on the process and timelines, or to submit your nomination package today!

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